Norwescon is the Seattle area's biggest SF con.

Lots of great costumes.

That's a guy in a costume, not a plant.

The hospitality suite has all the junk food you can eat, even for monsters.

Make your own bead necklace. There are some kid-friendly activities, which is nice because KidKon cost an unsatisfactory $5 an hour.

Of course, a science fiction con is not without its perils for an unsuspecting child.

Kids with swords again. I guess that's better than kids with guns.

Two gaming rooms, well-attended and (I'm sad to say) odorous.

Some serious D&D was going on in open areas, away from the claustrophobic gaming room.

Geeks Without Borders were attending. They provide computers to kids in Third World countries.

Here's a guy demonstrating the exoskeleton he's working on. His plan is to perfect it as a 21st century wheelchair for the disabled. And good luck to him.

After hours, the costumes get a little more "after hours." I wonder whether this bunny suit is lucky, too.

Bye, Norwescon. Hope to see you again next year.