Astronut re "
YHWH as Bully"

Adam and Eve had immortality prior to touching the fruit, but gave it up when they were disobedient. So not only did they lose their immortal being, they were disobedient to Yahweh. And to disagree with [your response] about original sin I say 'no deed done is done without thought' so the sin occurred when the thought of disobedience was given by the serpent to Eve, that is why the serpent was cursed along with them.

I don't know which version of scriptures you quote, but either they are translated incorrectly or you misquoted the passage. It reads as follows: "Gen 2:17 But of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you may not take; for on the day when you take of it, death will certainly come to you.."

JoT, man dies doesn't he? Death has come to you and I from Adam's disobedience... we make the same choices from birth to be disobedient. So we are the liars not God. He showed love and compassion to Adam and Eve by not destroying them, and he shows it to us through salvation through Jesus Christ.

February 2003

JoT's response to astronut
