W Who are you?
Are there abominations before God, absolution, afterlifes, akashic records, angels, anti-Christs, apostolic succession, archangels, the Ascension, astral planes, astrological forces, the Beast, black magic, chakras, ch'i, chosen people, Christ, curses, deities, demigods, demonic possession, demons, devils, divine intervention, divine laws, divine right of kings, divine truths, divinity, elves, engrams, essences, etheric planes, exorcism, fairies, the Fall, final analyses, ghosts, God, gods, gremlins, Hades, , Hell, holy men, incarnation, incubi, inerrant texts, karma, last judgments, Lucifer, magic spells, the meaning of life, mediums, metempsychosis, miracles, the moment at which human life begins, mortal sin, nationwide conspiracies of ritual Satanic child abuse, objective truths, Odin, Olympus, original sin, paradise, possession, prayer, the pre-existence, pre-lifes, prophecy, psychopomps, Purgatory, Quetzalcoatl, Ra, the Rapture, reincarnation, relics, the Resurrection, sacraments, sacred scriptures, saints, salvation by faith, salvation by good works, Satan, seances, simple answers, sin, souls, soul mates, sparks of life, speaking in tongues, special creation, spirit marriage, succubi, sun sign cusps, transubstantiation, the Tribulation, true selves, ultimate meanings, venial sin, Valhalla, vampires, vital essences, voodoo dolls, the way things really are, werewolves, a woman's place, words of power, or Xenu?
If you don't believe in God, how do you explain hope, joy, strength, courage, wisdom, beauty, nobility, politeness, love, romance, ecstasy, hope, humor, wit, and children?
How does the brain actually experience sensation rather than merely reacting to it? Why are we aware?