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Science, Religion: |
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Perhaps it's because we don't live in the States and so don't have the precenceptions of the americal fundamentalist Christians but you may like to know that I know a number of Christians (who would probably be termed fundamentalist as we believe the bible ) who play role playing games, particularly D&D. It is therefore with some regret that we see articles obviously aimed at antagonising Christians on gaming sites. Perhaps it may be worth remembering the gamers who may be antagonised by statements like the one about creationism which obviously show a lack of understanding of the creationist point of view? Evolution vs creation. Some thoughts off the top of my head ( i.e. don't expect the most lucid of trains of logic ;-) ). Given a set of observations a theory is derived to explain them. So is it any surprise that the theory fits the observations? So to answer the points one by one: Why do pythons have hip bones? Is it relevant? has anyone tried surgery on a python to remove the bones and see whether it still functions correctly? Does a python which has had some bones removed still function perfectly adequately or was there some reason for them afterall? Either way this tells us nothing. Why are there rattlesnakes, ticks, tapeworms, disease-causing bacteria, tsetse flies, and other destructive creatures? Read genesis and the fall. Why is childbirth painful for humans? Read genesis and the fall. Childbirth is specifically mentioned. Why are people mortal? Read genesis and the fall. We await the new heaven and the new earth. Why do most amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals have four limbs and none of them have six? why not? Why are men bigger and more aggressive than women? Why do they generally hold more power than women? again, why not. If it works better then an intelligent creator can use it, surely? Some comments: Saying some system works therefore could have evolved is no more valid than saying something works therefore it could have been created by an omniscient being for that purpose. It is probably worth looking into the opposing arguments before trying to disprove them. Your comments on the anti-theory of creationism do not make sense as you do not give correct reasoning for things from the creationist point of view, merely making up comments that creationist may say ( but wouldn't if they knew their bible). To get you started on an understanding of the other side of the argument here is a summary of history from a Christian point of view. 1) God created the angels. Some of the angels rebelled against him. The chief among them being Satan. 2) God created man ( male and female ). Man is told that if he rebels he will die. 3) Man rebelled against God, at the prompting of the fallen angels. 4) God cursed man. ( Men toil, women suffering childbirth, etc ). 5) God promises a saviour. 6) Throughout history the fallen angels tempt mankind to rebel. Mankinds own selfish nature also tempts his to rebel. Any surprise then that he continues to rebel? 7) A saviour is born. Lives and teaches. Dies in our place ( so that we need not die if we accept his sacrifice ). Returns to ensure that the word of this is spread. ( See gospels, book of Acts ). 8) A new heaven and a new earth are created - for those who will follow. Hell and everlasting pain await those who won't. Given this outlook I am sure that you can understand why Christians feel it is important that people are told about this. NOT because they want to get a big happy group but because they have been utterly convinced by supernatural means (Christians will say the work of the Holy Spirit within them ) about the fate awaiting those who refuse to accept God. It therefore saddens me that there is so much anger between the Christians of the USA and the gamers. And yes I am aware that this was not started by the gamers but by some Christians who overreacted. I hope that a better understanding can eventually be gained on both sides. Prejudice and lack of understanding on both sides just makes matters worse. I just wish some more Christians would look into what RPGs really involve and that more gamers would look at why some Christians are concerned. —Jason |
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