I'm no Sean Reynolds, but I did get this picture anyway.

Rob Heinsoo, Greg Stolze, and John Tynes
One of the things I like to do when I'm at GenCon is eat at George Webb. Another thing I like to do is talk other people into eating there.

Surprise bachelor party for Chris Pramas



Peter Adkison, running the dungeon delve and accepting the Diana Jones Award for Excellence in Gaming. Peter liked GenCon so
much, he bought it.


Rob Heinsoo running a Chainmail demo on a really cool battlefield

Danny O'Neill preparing to get beaten two-to-one in a 4-way draft. (He didn't understand the value of card advantage.)

While his command of Magic tactics may be imperfect, Danny's sense of showmanship is unerring.

Robin D. Laws interviewing Rob Heinsoo for a video project.