Dan re "
Conservative Symbols"

Looking over the site, I came across your recent post about "Symbolic Conservative Victories".

Just wanted to contribute two points. Republicans want an amendment against flag burning. Conservatives think we have enough laws already.

And the difference between marriage and a civil union is not symbolic. Marriage is a covenant between a man, a woman and God. A civil union is a legal contract allowing survivor benefits and other rights in secular society. Marriage can be recognized as a civil union by the state but that doesn't make them the same thing.

Otherwise I appreciate the amount of thought you put in the self-described "rants" on your site and while I find myself disagreeing more that agreeing with you, I can see your points and respect your positions.

— Dan Paddock
November 2003


The difference between marriage, as defined by the state, and civil union is nominal and therefore symbolic. The difference between marriage, as defined by a church, and civil union is whatever the church defines it to be.

December 2003

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