Mel re "'
God' and 'Christ'"

Hi read your god-us/christ-others article and agreed with it, except I was dissapointed it stopped where it did.

You say "It's just a noteworthy phenomenon that marks the progress of post-modernism."

But post-modernism, as it is usually defined, would suggest the multi-culti all Gods' childern analogue. So wanna explain?

I guess that I could also point out that most culture gurus would also say that we are no longer in a post-modern age. That was more the 1930s-somewhere nebulously defined in the 50s/60s. Ushered in with Ezra Pound, ushered out with (according to Fredric Jameson) the building of the World Trade Center.


I re-wrote the last sentence so that it now means what I meant rather than meaning the opposite of what I meant.

While we may no longer be in a postmodern age, I mean not "postmodernism the cultural time period" but "postmodernism the personal philosophy of self-referential subjectivity," what Richard Rorty calls "ironism." One might also call it relativism.

2002, 2003
